WoVo Identity Solutions (WoVoIS) announces immediate availability of FingerSCAN ePrintsID, a mobile application that runs on Android smartphones and tablets, enabling crime scene investigators to immediately switch from ink fingerprinting to digital fingerprinting for faster crime scene processing.Our system features: 1)Standards Compliancy:Meets FBI standards for fingerprint image quality..4” x .Easy to Navigate:Anyone can be up and running within 15 minutes; 3)Auto Progression:Automatically progress to next finger in sequence for faster scanning process; 4)Auto-Generate Fingerprint Card:This app automatically generates an elimination fingerprint card; 5)Edit Records:
Enter minimal data and images and add more details & images later; 6)Small Form Factor:2. Just search for FingerSCAN ePrintsID. Now, crime scene investigators have an easier way to collect elimination fingerprints from known individuals at the scene when time is of the essence. This eliminates delays in fingerprint capture and unnecessary trips to your agency to expedite crime scene processing.FingerSCAN ePrintsID AvailabilityFingerSCAN ePrintsID can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.5” with 5 ft cable; 7)Multiple Data Fields:Captures all information found on a standard hard card used for elimination purposes; 8)WiFi/SFTP Capable:Standard method for sharing files is via email & plug Manufacturers8211; app can share info via Secure
FTP submission; 9)Multi-Platform Support:FingerSCAN eprintsID works with Android (iOS coming soon); 10)Smart Recovery:App saves data and images throughout the record creation process # and allows for recovery in the event of device power down or crash; 11)Free trial:For 3 days – to scan fingers, the Watson Mini scanner bundle is required. Mobile ID IQS FAP 45 PIV Appendix F rated; 2)Exceptional Image Quality:The LES scanning technology captures the best prints possible despite finger condition.The unique use benefits of FingerSCAN ePrintsID includes: 1) increased security and safety for law enforcement officers in the field; 2) the ability to fingerprint individuals at a crime scene to instantly share records with a remote identification unit for faster processing time; 3) fingerprint traumatized individuals without physically touching the person being fingerprinted; 4) create superior to ink, digital quality finger print images with the Watson Mini compact fingerprint scanner to produce high quality images, including those of deceased individuals; 5) enable cross platform access for those investigators that use multiple devices.5”x 2